
Ionic Video Player for Mobile and Web using Capacitor Video Player Plugin

Recently I was working on one application development. I want to develop a hybrid video player application. So that with single source code I can develop an application for Web, Android, and iOS. So for this purpose, I have chosen Ionic.

Ionic is a popular cross-platform application development framework. It allows us to develop a mobile, web app and PWA just using single source code.

The major advantage of Ionic is that we can develop these applications just by using javascript.

We can use popular frontend frameworks like Angular, React or VueJS or even no framework at all with vanilla JavaScript to develop an angular app. So to develop Ionic we don’t require to learn new device-specific technology.

Ionic Native makes it easy to add native device functionality to any Ionic app leveraging Cordova or Capacitor.

In the Ionic application, we have two plugins to play a video in native devices.

  1. Cordova Video Player Plugin (@ionic-native/video-player)
  2. Capacitor Video Player Plugin (capacitor-video-player)

Cordova and Capacitor are both used for accessing native device functionality. But nowadays capacitor is the preferred foundation over Cordova for developing hybrid apps. It is not only used to develop an application for native devices like Android and iOS, but it also provides first-class Electron and Progressive Web App (PWA) Support

Moreover, Capacitor is developed by the same team that developed the Ionic framework.

The capacitor has other advanced features over Cordova. Read this article for more details.

So keeping all this in mind,

In this article, we will develop an Ionic Video Player App for Mobile and Web using Capacitor Video Player Plugin.

Let’s start with initial application setup.

If you want to add a video player in your existing ionic application then you can skip the following step.

Create a new Ionic Project

To create a new ionic project we will require the Ionic CLI. You can install it using the below command.

npm install -g @ionic/cli

Once it is installed create a new Ionic project using below command :

ionic start < your_project_name >

This command will ask you for below inputs

  • Framework ?: In this app we will use Angular framework. You can can other option like React.
  • Predefined Starter Template? : In this app, I have used list template, You can select any predefined template or blank template based on your requirement.
  • Integrate your new app with Capacitor for integration with Android and iOS? : In this application, we will use capacitor plugins so we will enter y for this. This will install @capacitor/core package and @capacitor/cli package

Once a project is successfully created it will show a message to serve an application using ionic serve

Note: In your existing project if a capacitor is not installed then you can install it using below commands :

npm install -D @capacitor/core
npm install -D @capacitor/cli

Create a Data Service

We will create a sample DataService in data.service.ts file which will provide us a video list.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export interface Video {
  title: string;
  url: string;
  thumb: string;
  subtitle: string;

  providedIn: 'root'
export class DataService {
  private videos: Video[] = [
      url: "",
      subtitle: "By Blender Foundation",
      thumb: "",
      title: "Big Buck Bunny"
      url: "",
      subtitle: "By Blender Foundation",
      thumb: "",
      title: "Elephant Dream"

  constructor() { }

  public getVidoes(): Video[] {
    return this.videos;


Show Video List on Page

Now we will fetch the video list from DataService and render it on page. Here I will show it on HomePage .

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { DataService, Video } from '../services/data.service';

  selector: 'app-home',
  templateUrl: '',
  styleUrls: [''],
export class HomePage {
  videos: Video[];
  constructor(private data: DataService) {
    this.videos = data.getVidoes();

<ion-header [translucent]="true" >
  <ion-toolbar color="primary">
      NG Video Player

<ion-content [fullscreen]="true">
    <ion-item *ngFor="let v of videos">
      <ion-avatar slot="start">
        <img [src]="v.thumb" />
      <ion-button slot="end" fill="clean" size="large">
        <ion-icon name="play-circle-outline"></ion-icon>

Ones above setup is done our initial app will look like as below :

Ionic Video Player Initial Application Setup

Install capacitor-video-player plugin using below command :

npm install --save capacitor-video-player@latest

Now we will use capacitor-video-player as below on HomePage to play a video.

import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';
import * as PluginsLibrary from 'capacitor-video-player';
const { CapacitorVideoPlayer, Device } = Plugins;

import { Component, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { DataService, Video } from '../services/data.service';

  selector: 'app-home',
  templateUrl: '',
  styleUrls: [''],
export class HomePage implements AfterViewInit {
  videoPlayer: any;
  videos: Video[];

  constructor(private data: DataService) {
    this.videos = data.getVidoes();

  async ngAfterViewInit() {
    const info = await Device.getInfo();
    if (info.platform === "ios" || info.platform === "android") {
      this.videoPlayer = CapacitorVideoPlayer;
    } else {
      this.videoPlayer = PluginsLibrary.CapacitorVideoPlayer

  async play(url: string) {
    document.addEventListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerPlay', (e: CustomEvent) => { console.log('Event jeepCapVideoPlayerPlay ', e.detail) }, false);
    document.addEventListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerPause', (e: CustomEvent) => { console.log('Event jeepCapVideoPlayerPause ', e.detail) }, false);
    document.addEventListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerEnded', (e: CustomEvent) => { console.log('Event jeepCapVideoPlayerEnded ', e.detail) }, false);
    const res: any = await this.videoPlayer.initPlayer({ mode: "fullscreen", url: url });

We will make the following changes in HomePage Component to play a video from URL in web and mobile devices.

  1. Import Capacitor Plugins and Capacitor Video Player on top of the component.
  2. Create a reference for CapacitorVideoPlayer to videoPlayer object to use it to play video.  We will assign CapacitorVideoPlayer plugin based on the type of platform.
  3. We can get the platform details using Device.getInfo() method. This method will give use device information like device name, model, platform, app version, UUID, operating system, os version, manufacturer, memory used, free disk, total disk size, etc.
  4. We will create a play() method that has a video URL as input. On click of play button we will call this method.
  5. To play a video, we need to initialize a video player with options we can do that with
    here options has two properties mode and URL.
    • mode : it can be 'fullscreen' or 'embedded' , (embedded is only for web)
    • URL : is the video URL, it should be https URL for files from the web or you can use file path from the local file system. for IOS "public/assets/video/video.mp4".  for Android "/raw/video" without the type. You have to create manually a raw folder under the res folder of your app and copy the video file in it . for Web "assets/video/video.mp4"

Capacitor Video Player has the following events for web plugin.

  • jeepCapVideoPlayerPlay : Emitted when the video starts to play
  • jeepCapVideoPlayerPause: Emitted when the video is paused
  • jeepCapVideoPlayerPlaying: Emitted when the video restart to play
  • jeepCapVideoPlayerEnded: Emitted when the video has ended

Capacitor Video Player also provides following methods for web plugin only.

  • play(options): Play the video
  • pause(options) : Pause the video
  • getDuration(options): Get the duration of video
  • setVolume(options): Set the volume of video
  • getVolume(options): Get the volume of video
  • setMuted(options): Set the Muted Parameter of video
  • getMuted(options): Get the Muted Parameter of video
  • setCurrentTime(options): Set the current time to play video from that time.
  • getCurrentTime(options): Get the current time of the video.

It’s done !!! It is ready for the web.

To use it in the native device we need to create a bundle for that platform type. Here we will create a native package for Android. The same way you can generate a native package for iOS.

Before we create an android bundle (native package) update the appId in capacitor.config.ts file. appId is The package name for Android and the bundle identifier for iOS.

  1. Ionic Build: ionic build --prod.
  2. If an android package is not created before, execute npx cap add android.  This will
    • Install android dependencies
    • Add a native android project in our project
    • Sync Gradle files
    • Create an android package with all required files
    • Copy the ionic build files from www to android\app\src\main\assets\public
    • Copy native bridge
    • Copy capacitor.config.ts
    • Update the capacitor plugins
    • Update the android package.

Once the above commands are executed it will show the following message.

Now you can run npx cap open android to launch Android Studio. 

Using this command we will open an android project in the Android Studio where we can test it on AVD. We can also generate APK there.

Note: It is not required to create an android package for each ionic build. We can do all the above steps in just one command.

npx ionic cap run android

This command will create the ionic build, copy the www files to the android package and open the android studio.

Awesome ✨!!! Our android application is ready to launch 🚀🚀🚀.

import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';
import * as PluginsLibrary from 'capacitor-video-player';
const { CapacitorVideoPlayer, Device } = Plugins;

import { Component, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { DataService, Video } from '../services/data.service';

  selector: 'app-home',
  templateUrl: '',
  styleUrls: [''],
export class HomePage implements AfterViewInit {
  videoPlayer: any;
  videos: Video[];

  constructor(private data: DataService) {
    this.videos = data.getVidoes();

  async ngAfterViewInit() {
    const info = await Device.getInfo();
    if (info.platform === "ios" || info.platform === "android") {
      this.videoPlayer = CapacitorVideoPlayer;
    } else {
      this.videoPlayer = PluginsLibrary.CapacitorVideoPlayer

  async play(url: string) {
    document.addEventListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerPlay', (e: CustomEvent) => { console.log('Event jeepCapVideoPlayerPlay ', e.detail) }, false);
    document.addEventListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerPause', (e: CustomEvent) => { console.log('Event jeepCapVideoPlayerPause ', e.detail) }, false);
    document.addEventListener('jeepCapVideoPlayerEnded', (e: CustomEvent) => { console.log('Event jeepCapVideoPlayerEnded ', e.detail) }, false);
    const res: any = await this.videoPlayer.initPlayer({ mode: "fullscreen", url: url });
<ion-header [translucent]="true" >
  <ion-toolbar color="primary">
      NG Video Player

<ion-content [fullscreen]="true">
    <ion-item *ngFor="let v of videos">
      <ion-avatar slot="start">
        <img [src]="v.thumb" />
      <ion-button slot="end" fill="clean" size="large" (click)="play(v.url)">
        <ion-icon name="play-circle-outline"></ion-icon>

Now We can test our application on the web using ionic serve and test android package in Android Studio with Sample AVD.

Ionic Video Player using Capacitor Video Player Plugin Final Output

If you like the project please mark the ⭐ in the Github repository.

In this article, we have seen how to build an ionic video player application for mobile and web using a capacitor video player plugin. 

I hope you like this article, provide your valuable feedback and suggestions in below comment section🙂.

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